Member News: Relay Teams compete at Ponstispool with great results

On 2nd May TauntonDistrict RidingClub had 2 teams running at today’s TVH Team Relay.

80cm Team Sam Smith, Jess Smith, Johanne Heuff and Emma -Jane Williams picked up a well deserved 3rd place with Jo’s horse Expresso speeding around the course twice after Jess had a few issues with the flower box, Sam’s horse Duncan made a welcome return to the competition circuit.

90cm team of Petra Bryan-Brown, Jo Heuff, Katy Berry and myself were unlucky not to be placed, Jo did a lovely round on her second horse Nelson, Katy did very well considering she’d never sat on the horse borrowed from Jo’s husband. Toby, Petra’s horse was keen as mustard got slightly flustered in the double but rapid action for the arena crew saw her fly it the second time. Mr Big flew around for the second time with the promise of a couple of days off!!

All members rode brilliantly, thanks for supporting this fabulous event !!!


Well done to all of you 🙂



ODE Results 2017

Please click below to view the full results.

2017 results

It turned out to be a great day, lots of lovely horses and competitors to make up a lovely atmosphere. Thank you all for your support with this event (and for your patience when we didn’t quite run to time). A massive thank you goes to all the amazing volunteers we had to help at the event, they give up their day to support the club in making this event successful.

Hope to see you again next year.