FOTH 2016

Well done to all who represented us at FOTH today, a bit unlucky today with team entries, but we really appreciate you going. Quite a tough course I understand. Well done to Hannah Rose for qualifying as an Individual and will be representing us at Aston Le Walls!

Results TDRC Dressage 03.10.15

Class Time Rider Horse Score Place
1 9.30 Chris Hayes ArazonaKid
9.37 MeganSterrett Jack 3rd TDRC
9.44 Francesca Lawrence (J) BlackhillImpulse
9.51 Tara Sully Ellie
9.58 Sally Hyde Newtown PG
 2 10.12 Sam Smith Lost for Words IV A 67.5 2 TDRC
10.19 Jade Burrell Prince A wd TDRC
10.26 DeziNicholls Pollyanna B 67.3 4 TDRC
10.33 Frances Gully Mary B 73.8 1 TDRC
10.40 AnnEnticott Po A 68.1 1
10.47 Sally Hyde Newtown PG A 57.5  4
10:54 Kerry Sleep Paddy A 61.7  3
11.01 Becky Hunt Sambervito B 72.1 2
11.08 JodieDelbridge(J) LowdensMariner B 71.3 3

20min break

 3 11.28 DeziNicholls Pollyanna 65.8 6 TDRC
11.35 Angie Ellis Casper 37.1 5 TDRC
11.42 Frances Gully Mary 71.9 2 TDRC
11.49 AnnEnticott Po 64.8
11.56 Margaret Davenport Vivante 68.5 4
12.03 Becky Hunt Sambervito 72.9 1
12.10 JodieDelbridge(J) LowdensMariner 71.3 3
20min break
 4 12.23 Olivia Hodges Lord Percy N28 70.4 2
12.30 TraceyDelbridge KiltownPoppy N28 69.4 4
12.37 DeziNicholls Pollyanna N28 67.7 6 TDRC
12.44 Margaret Davenport Vivante N28 68.5 5
12.51 Olivia Hodges Lord Percy N34 70.8 1
13.05 Angie Ellis Casper N28 67.1
13.12 TraceyDelbridge KiltownPoppy N34 69.4 3